Inter Organizational Practice Committee

Neuropsychology Toolkit

The IOPC is a super committee of AACN, NAN, D40, and ABN, tasked with coordinating advocacy efforts and improving the practice climate for Neuropsychology. The Healthcare Reform Toolkit is an evolving interactive website designed to educate neuropsychologists about healthcare reform and share effective practice models

Welcome to the IOPC neuropsychology and healthcare reform web toolkit.

This website is the result of IOPC member organizations’ commitment to act proactively, and in unison, on an issue that will dramatically affect the practice of neuropsychology in the years to come: healthcare reform. 

Many of the concepts of healthcare reform are abstract: ACOs, medical homes, bundled payments; but the effects of healthcare reform on referral streams and access to care are not abstract.  As reform rolls out through regions of the country, this website will be a central place for members of our profession to learn about basic concepts, share innovative practice models, and begin to answer the fundamental question: how do we emerge as successful players in this iteration of healthcare?

The site is designed to be evolving and interactive.  As you navigate through, we highly encourage you to use the contact form to share resources, ask questions, and tell us about healthcare reform events and advocacy activities in your state and region.  We will actively post resources and events, and invite guest bloggers to answer questions and share their experiences.

In our innovative practice models section, we post interviews of neuropsychologists who are early adopters. Maggie Lanca is conducting brief neuropsychological assessments in primary care clinic offices.  Michael Goldberg has transformed his group multidisciplinary practice by contracting to cover mental health needs of populations of patients within ACOs. In our report writing section, Ted Peck, Mark Barisa, and Karen Wills have shared brief, high impact report templates.  We have also asked a writing coach from NASA to share brief, effective communication techniques. Our state advocacy section posts websites and activities of state and regional neuropsychology societies and state psychological associations. It also includes advocacy strategies and tips for associations that would like to launch, or strengthen their health care reform advocacy committees.

Many thanks to the members of our content committee, and the IOPC member organizations: the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Division 40 of the American Psychological Association, and the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology for their enthusiastic support of this project. 

Karen Postal, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

Chair IOPC neuropsychology web toolkit
