Inter Organizational Practice Committee

Neuropsychology Toolkit

The IOPC is a super committee of AACN, NAN, D40, and ABN, tasked with coordinating advocacy efforts and improving the practice climate for Neuropsychology. The Healthcare Reform Toolkit is an evolving interactive website designed to educate neuropsychologists about healthcare reform and share effective practice models

First we need to get some terminology straight. What is a medical home?

A medical home is a team approach to providing care, typically led by a personal physician, PA or nurse practitioner. Goals include coordinated care amongst providers and between health systems, and the model uses evidence based medicine, health information technology (electronic medical records) as well as increased access to care (open scheduling, increased hours).  The medical home might be physically housed in one building, or virtually connected by electronic medical records. An ACO might consist of a group of medical homes. 

A neuropsychologist on salary with a health system or clinic may be part of a medical home. Neuropsychologists in private practice may seek referrals coordinated by a physician within a medical home.  In Massachusetts, recent healthcare legislation indicates that behavioral health providers can seek certification as patient centered medical homes. Other states may follow suit. 

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The Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative has come out with a report explaining the structures, benefits, and finances of patient centered medical homes.  
