Inter Organizational Practice Committee

Neuropsychology Toolkit

The IOPC is a super committee of AACN, NAN, D40, and ABN, tasked with coordinating advocacy efforts and improving the practice climate for Neuropsychology. The Healthcare Reform Toolkit is an evolving interactive website designed to educate neuropsychologists about healthcare reform and share effective practice models


Risk Managemeent

It is important for practitioners to recognize that while some regulations are being eased in the context of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic (e.g. HIPPA), neuropsychologists must be cognizant of risk management issues. IOPC member organizations have developed a risk management webinar specific to tele-neuropsychology in collaboration with the National Register and the Trust. Link here for risk management and other tools for reopening in-person neuropsychological services.


With social distance restrictions being lifted in some states in the context of no vaccine and likely second waves of infections, decisions to re-open practices for in-person visits are complex. This webinar, presented by IOPC and the Trust/National Register helps neuropsychologists identify areas of risk management, think through specific models of practice, and provides resources for managing patient and provider safety.

AACN: Link here to listen to the recoded webinar for CE credit.

National Register link: Link Here to listen to the webinar on the National Register website ($10 fee to listen, no CE available)

IOPC/Trust/national register webinar on tele-NP risk management

To access the recorded webinar:

AACN: Link here to listen to the recorded webinar for CE credit ($30 fee for CE, free to members/ nonmembers who want to listen to the webinar without CE).

Considerations for Tele-NP consent

The issues in consent for telepsychology should be considered foundational for TeleNP informed consent practices. (Scroll down for specific resources). TeleNP requires additional consent regarding  issues outlined below. 

  • It should be explained clearly and in language the patient or their representatives understand, that:

    • Standard test administration will be modified, and this may affect results in ways that are so far unknown. This has the potential to reduce confidence in the diagnostic conclusions and recommendations for treatment. 

    • Involvement of a third-party in the TeleNP session (caregiver, guardian, parent, facilitator) may add additional concerns about the impact of observation on performance.

    • Error may be compounded when TeleNP procedures are used with people who come from culturally and linguistically diverse populations, require an interpreter during TeleNP, or have limited experience/comfort with the technology being employed. 

    • There will be a loss of some qualitative data usually obtained during an in-person exam, and this loss may reduce the richness of the clinical data and further limit conclusions and recommendations.

    • TeleNP may pose additional risks to privacy and confidentiality.

  • TeleNP consent forms should always be available in the language of your patient. 

Link here for national register/ trust sample informed consent for tele-NP

the Trust statement on in-person psychological services during the pandemic

Link here for a helpful statement on risks involved in conducting in -person psychology services during the COVID-19 crisis.

Risk Management for Telepsychology

The Trust:

