National Advocacy — Inter Organizational Practice Committee

Inter Organizational Practice Committee

Neuropsychology Toolkit

The IOPC is a super committee of AACN, NAN, D40, and ABN, tasked with coordinating advocacy efforts and improving the practice climate for Neuropsychology. The Healthcare Reform Toolkit is an evolving interactive website designed to educate neuropsychologists about healthcare reform and share effective practice models


National Advocacy

National advocacy efforts for access to neuropsychological services address federal statutes, place psychologists on national workgroups, and coordinate activity within the states.  National Psychology and Neuropsychology organizations have been active in alerting neuropsychologists to the coming practice climate changes, and providing education and resources. 


American Psychological Association Services, Inc.(APAS)

The American Psychological Association Services, inc. has taken a leadership role with federal advocacy in healthcare reform and provides resources to states in their healthcare reform efforts. 

American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology

AACN, the membership organization of the American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology, has been a leader in alerting its members and the larger community of neuropsychologists about practice changes associated with healthcare reform.

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The AACN board of directors has charged its Practice and Public Policy committee with identifying and tracking legislative, regulatory, and other practice issues associated with healthcare reform.  AACN recognizes that educating neuropsychologists about changes in the healthcare playing field is the most important first step in encouraging innovations that will ensure that Neuropsychology once again emerges as a successful healthcare player.  The AACN foundation, which funds outcomes research in neuropsychology, has announced that it will fund outcome studies of innovative practices in the context of healthcare reform. 


The National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) has been active in supporting neuropsychologists in the practice of neuropsychology for many years. The NAN Board of Directors relies primarily on two standing committees to advocate for the profession of neuropsychology and, most importantly, for the consequent welfare of patients. Implementation of healthcare reform may result in significant changes to the practice of neuropsychology, and consequently receives special attention from these committees.

The Professional Affairs and Information Committee (PAIC).  The PAIC provides relevant and up to date information about practice issues through the PAIC section of the NAN website and through presentations and workshops at the annual NAN conference. Examples of recent communications to NAN members include the following:

The Legislative Action and Advocacy Committee (LAAC).  The LAAC has been involved in addressing healthcare reform since the initial bill was introduced.  Examples of recent activities include:

  • Action alerts and newsflash items requesting that NAN members to contact their legislators about healthcare reform and healthcare related issues (e.g., proposed sustainable growth rate cuts)
